Reel Film Club: Spain

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Winner of the Audience Choice Award for Best Feature at the 39th Chicago Latino Film Festival.

Forlorn after his girlfriend dumps him and tired of the Basque Country’s non stop rain, Mikel packs his bags and heads to Argentina where a distant uncle he met through Facebook promises him a job in his business. Mikel finds himself in a town founded by Basque emigres whose descendants are far much prouder of being Basque than the Basques themselves. And if this life without prospects wasn’t enough, Mikel now has to pretend to be somebody else when his Grandma Dolores, his uncle’s mom, wakes up from her lethargy after hearing him sing a lullaby in Basque.

Desconsolado luego que su novia lo abandona y cansado de la lluvia incesante en el País Vasco, Mikel hace sus maletas y viaja a Argentina, donde un tío lejano que conoció a través de Facebook le promete un trabajo en su negocio. Mikel se encuentra en un pueblo fundado por emigrantes vascos cuyos descendientes están mucho más orgullosos de ser vascos que los propios vascos. Para colmo, Mikel ahora tendrá que hacerse pasar por otra persona cuando la abuela Dolores, la mamá de su tío, se despierta de su letargo tras oírle cantar una nana en euskera.

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Reel Film Club: Spain

For the price of one ticket join us for a night of Film and Appetizers. A reception with food and a glass of wine starts at 1800 and "El Vasco" will begin at 1900 followed by a discussion of the film.

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