Your Support Matters; Learn About How To Support The ILCC!
Supporting the ILCC is easier than ever! If you love Latino Arts, Films, Music and Culture there are many ways you can support our programming in Chicago!
Ways to Support the ILCC
Membership is a great way to support the ILCC. As a member, you receive a number of benefits to help you access and enjoy every event we offer. We have several membership levels to pick from:
- Student Membership – (Must be registered in School or University and have current ID)
- ILCC Membership – ( An all-inclusive membership)
- Chicago Latino Film Festival Membership – (Get discounted tickets and passes to films at the Chicago Latino Film Festival)
- Music Series Membership – (Discounted tickets and passes to our music and dance shows)
- Senior/Retired Membership (Enjoy discounted tickets and merchandise)
Our VIP Club is a membership that gives you special access to some of our best performances. Meet the artists and get special invitations to special receptions before or after some of our events.
Individual Giving
$100,000 & above
Linda & Bob Sandra and Ken Barb & Joe
John & Carol Elvis & Pricilla Ken & Lois